The opinions expressed in the entirety of this blog represent our own crazy thought process and not those of our employer, associations, or organizations we are a member of or volunteer with. In addition, our thoughts and opinions change from time to time, which I consider a necessary consequence of personal growth.

We do the best with the information we represent at the time and will do our best to make sure all the information, including links, are accurate at the time of posting, but there’s no guarantee that information posted today will still be valid or accurate in the future.

We are bound to make a mistake or state something incorrectly. We are human after all, but those mistakes are ours and ours alone (and maybe spell-check too).

Our intention is to do no harm. We’re not doctors, lawyers, therapists, trainers, chefs, or any other type of trained expert so what we write is not to be taken as fact nor absolute. When it comes to your health and fitness, do your research. You won’t be compensated in any way if you suffer loss/damage/inconvenience because of something written in this blog.


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  • Comments     deemed to be spam or questionable spam.
  • Comments     including profanity.
  • Comments     containing language or concepts that could be deemed offensive.
  • Comments     containing hate speech, credible threats, or direct attacks on an individual or group.

… so keep it polite, please.

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